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Ch.8 Discussion

Aloha welcome to sixminutes to save the world this is a six minute space of sound where I describe software thats being developed right now.

It’s especially exciting to me at this time because I can introduce my son, who is just beginning his journey and has very legitimate questions as to how the guide may apply to his life when it becomes time to take responsibility.

So I had described a bit about what the guide could do, but it’s relevance to your life has many variable.

can the guide not be taken advantage of?

thats a really good question, because it seems that anything in an extreme can be taken advantage of, but how I see the guide able to unfold is a very peaceful process. and by peaceful I meanit really involves the largest majority of individuals and ecological systems can be naturally included in the decision making and decision knowledge, basically the background from varied perspectives, from science from cultures from individuals and from a health perspective.

I think that the combination of involving these varied. these great libraries and current research models, the best of what we have and the ability to see beyond putting them together in a holistic manner. I think these factors give it an overwhelming capability to self moderate in large groups and respect traditions and ecological health in a way thats more sophisticated. I think it may be able to solve this issue of corruption.

how would the guide be displayed?

thats another really good question.

Well, its a visual reference format, and right now across the planet we have this resource that nobody has been able to experience in our history ever. a connected visual reference tool thats 5 and a half inches in our pockets connects us all to a great library of data. This is somethign that has already shaped large scale movements in ways that have never been experienced.

Now if we can use this great tool, and maybe even better than having a small device in our pocket but a shared resource within our community, is the ability to see data referencing,to us this data responsibly to see all the things it takes to build to maintain, to feed to house to take care of waste products and make them useful, to create , grow, research, and to do it in a holistic fashion. something that provides a big picture model to every small thing that we do in our lives, the things we ourselves interact with each day. and helping to moderate oiur health for the whole system.

would there be a form of government?

whoah ok so yeah I feel like a lot of people are just plain fed up with the inneficincy of this ancienct system of government that seems to create wealth and abundance for a few and not for all. But what the guide is has nothing to do with how people choose to govern themselves.

the guide is is a tool. it will be used by every culuture, every community, and every space of each individuals interaction in a different way. it will be different for everyone and yet, ho9pefully bring us all together with the ability to acfes similar data structures about specific piieces of our world.

It is nothing more than a tool for power and information to find a balance , a place to come together and find its path along our paths

for all of humanity to feel freedom and worth and acceptance and responsibility and hopefully appreciation.

would there still be a form of business? or how do we go to the store?

thats a really really good question.

I think that those questions and answers have been found all over the world.

I think what the guide can do for anyone who feels trapped in a system that isnt healthy for their community or their bodies, it may provide an outlet for concerned people to find a better solution through cooperation with their neighbors and community and further.

so youre saying that people will get the supplies themsleves and then they will trade?

Im not really saying too much about specifics, we have a lot of really good logistical system operating right now

and I believe truly that if we adjust those very in depth models we have a lot of experience with that just minor adjustments can make huge systems function on a level that is fair and balanced in a way that hasnt been tried thoroughly. i think it will provide a format for a new model of structuring a lot if not all of our systems, and yet not very much.

ok that brings more questions than answers.

yup and that’s what I’m here to help clarify, together we will build this powerful tool for ourselves, our integrity, our future.

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